Q&A Webinar – trade planning, mental game, trade setups and more….

The other day I ran a Q&A Webinar….

Just in case you missed the ‘webinar’ and wanted to listen in, I made a video copy of it and it is in the process of being edited up as we speak. There were some tech problems, and in the end I did it as an interactive Q&A with a small ‘tribe’ of traders.

We covered some great questions and great content, including:

  • trade planning,
  • getting in the zone,
  • managing stress,
  • money and risk management,
  • trade setups,
  • trade management and much more.

I am sure you will find something of value for you, and if you take just one thing from it that makes a difference to you, it will be worth it and I will be pleased.

If you want to hear the replay, it’s quiet long, but good stuff, and you can take it in your own time….  please just click here.